
For more information about the Arabic adaptation of the ToMI, please contact:

د. ربى عبدالمطلوب معوض Ruba AbdelMatloub. Moawad

أستاذ مساعد. قسم علم النفس Assistant Professor

جامعة الملك سعود King Saud University

مركز الدراسات الجامعية للبنات University centre for women student.

email: [email protected]

ص ب 7695 Po. Box

الرياض 11472 Riyadh


For more information about the Arabic adaptation of the ToMI-2, please contact:

Fethia Aiad, Ph.D. Candidate – University of Algiers

Visiting Researcher – Brussels University

Address: Haantjeslie o5, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium

Phone: +32(0) 487273860

Email: [email protected]